Sunday, February 15, 2009


This week I had to look at podcast, which are another very popular communication tool. I had heard of podcast, but had never actually listened to one before today.
The first podcast I chose to listen to was called the Kid Cast. It was called The Medium Isn't the Message. It was basically saying that it's one thing to learn a podcast, but the end goal is to use them effectively. He said that teachers just kinda use them to give assignments, not to communicate.
The second one I checked out was call EdTechtalk. It was just like a morning radio show, where they do the segment and have people call in, except it was people typing in a chat room, which was really cool to me. They talked about a conference that they had gone to, and some other stuff tht was uninteresting to me, but the cool part was how everybody was communicating.
The third podcast that I checked out was This week in photography. It was interactive as well, and they talked about photography stuff, which was not interesting to me at all, I remember them talking about how film companies like Canon are going outta business now with all the digital photography.
My fourth podcast was something that I cared about. It was ESPN's podcast of their program PTI in which two sports analysts discuss current events in the sports world. I was impressed by the amount of podcasts that ESPN had in their "Podcenter" on I subscribed to a couple of them.

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